Supplements | Studies in Spirituality

Since its initiation in 1991, Studies in Spiritualityhas become a crucial international voice in the study of spirituality. Besides our yearly journal, we provide the opportunity to publish works of monograph length in our supplements.

The aim of this series is to provide an opportunity for publication of more substantial works of monograph length and collective works on particular themes. Supplements are published in a frequency of about one volume a year.

Latest supplement publication

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In 2021 a new supplement of Studies in Spirituality, nr. 38, is published: 'Evolving methodologies in the study of spirituality'. Edited by Gilberto Cavazos-González & Rodanna Zas Friz De Col.

Recently, a new Supplement (no. 38) was published: “Evolving Methodologies in the Study of Spirituality”, edited by Gilberto Cavazos-Conzález & Rossano Zas Friz De Col.

Summary supplement of Studies in Spirituality, nr.38

The Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality (USA) and the Forum of Professors of Spiritual Theology in Italy gathered scholars of Christian Spirituality Studies and Spiritual Theology for an international conference entitled ‘The Study of Christian Spirituality and Spiritual Theology: Evolving Methodologies’ at the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome from the 25th to the 28th of September, 2019.

Scholars from both fields were encouraged to present approaches, techniques, and developments to either or both fields of study as well as emerging theological, hermeneutical, phenomenological, social, appropriative, and practical methodologies.

Thirty-eight theologians and scholars from sixteen different countries representing every continent on earth presented their work in either English or Italian. This volume offers the contribution of all English versions and the English translation of the Italian versions.

Undoubtedly, the works collected here represent a new refreshing awareness of the methodological condition of the discipline and are a stimulus for further developments.

ISBN: 978-90-429-5019-1
E-ISBN: 978-90-429-5020
PAGES: 412 p.
PRICE: 83 euro

More information is to be found on the Publisher’s website.

Overview of all supplements