Health & Safety on the campus

Every day thousands of people are present on the campus and in the buildings of Radboud University: students, researchers, employees and third parties. Radboud University has a responsibility for the safety of these people.

That is why the university expects external suppliers, maintenance companies and contractors to deliver and execute their services and activities in a safe, responsible and sustainable manner. And with as little inconvenience as possible.

As the working environment is sometimes new for them, with unfamiliar rules and risks, this instruction video explains what these rules and risks are and how to act in case of an incident or emergency. This way we prevent unsafe situations.

In addition to the official Radboud University Purchasing Conditions (pdf, 1,7 MB) (ARIV 2018), Radboud University also upholds Health & Safety and Environment Regulations (pdf, 787 kB) for suppliers.

These regulations for safety, health and environment are intended for maintenance technicians, building contractors or other employees of external companies who perform work on the campus, in buildings or on installations of Radboud University or who provide services to organizational units of the Radboud University. These rules aim to prevent accidents and environmental damage during construction projects and maintenance activities. In all cases the laws and regulations remain in force.

Click here (pdf, 787 kB) for the full regulations.

Safety on the campus: a joint concern of Radboud University, its employees and students, and contractors and other people frequenting the campus.