Information registered in the RIS interface is automatically included in Radboud University's research information system, the Metis database. You may contact your faculty's Metis administrator in case of questions.
Faculty | Metis administrator |
Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies | Sanna van Roosmalen & Chris Buskes |
Faculty of Arts | |
Faculty of Law | Kitty van Veelen |
Faculty of Social Sciences | Liesbeth van der Heijden |
Nijmegen School of Management | Francie Manhardt |
Faculty of Science | Jan-Jetze Zijlstra |
Faculty of Medical Sciences | Niki Linders |
Radboud Teachers Academy | |
Titus Brandsma Institute | Wendy Litjens |
Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging (DCCN) | Sabita Raktoe |
If your faculty is not listed, please contact the RIS servicedesk at
If you are a student, please contact the RIS for Students helpdesk at