RIS login

Register research output, register datasets or write a DMP:

Log in using Edge or Chrome for optimal performance.


As a researcher at Radboud University you can use the RIS interface to register your publications, register datasets and write data management plans.

Link your publications and datasets and make them visible in the Radboud Repository and on your personal profile page.

RIS guidelines per faculty

Not sure what to register? Here you can find the RIS guidelines for your faculty.

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RIS for Students

Some study programmes ask students to use RIS for Students. Please check with your supervisor or teacher whether you should use RIS for Students.

  • The Ethics Assessment Committee Humanities (EACH), Research Ethics Committee (REC) of the Faculty of Science, and Ethics Assessment Committee Law and Management (EACLM) accept DMPs written in RIS for Students. If you need to submit a DMP to another ethics committee, you will need to ask your supervisor to submit a DMP using RIS (not RIS for Students).
  • Data from RadboudUMC cannot be archived in RIS for Students.

See About RIS for Students for information about the tool itself.

See the manuals for more information when using RIS for Students.

RIS for Students login

Some study programmes use RIS for Students. Data from RadboudUMC cannot be archived in RIS for Students.