Application and deadlines

If you are interested in registering for a stay abroad, please do so via OSIRIS Stay Abroad. You start your application procedure by clicking on New request under Stay abroad. Be sure to include a list of (up to) four universities you would like to go to. In addition we ask you to write a motivation letter, for which you can find guidelines here (docx, 22 kB). The deadlines to apply are:

Destinations outside Europe No later than 14 January
Destinations in Europe (incl. UK) No later than 28 February

NB: German Language and Culture are asked to apply before 9 September.

After registering you should sign up for the study abroad minor through Osiris in the relevant period.

After the application deadline, it will be decided which students go where. Check our step-by-step guide for more information on placement and nomination.

Placement notice
Destinations outside Europe late February
Destinations in Europe early April

NB: German Language and Culture students are notified in the beginning October.