Master's Programme in Cognitive Neuroscience
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Print Edition

Tom Gijssels
Time in the Brain: Neural Evidence for a Space-Time Asymmetry

Thomas Gräfnitz
Acoustic and Behavioral Modulations of Local Field Potentials in Monkey Auditory Cortex

Denise Janssen
Neural Underpinnings of Feedback Processing in Toddlers

Cătălina Răţală
The Social Learning of Trust

Anne Rijpma
Sex Differences in Synaptic Density and Neurogenesis in Middle-Aged Apolipoprotein E4 and Apolipoprotein E Knockout Mice

Rocio Silva Zunino
Preverbal Infants’ Use of Others’ Communicative Signals Depends on Culture

Full text of volume 7, issue 2 can be downloaded here

Vol7_Iss2_withCover (pdf, 23 MB)