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Unrevised theses:
My Mistake or our Mistake? Diffused Responsibility in Social Situations Reduces Monitoring of own Error
by Katrin Bangel (220 kB)
Lexical and Spatial Interference Effects in Dutch-English Bilinguals and the Need for Executive Control
by WendyvanGinkel (docx, 521 kB)
Can Arbitrary Places Receive Meaning: An ERP Study
by Suzanne Jongman (pdf, 363 kB)
Neural Representations of Sentence Processing: Event-related Components and Oscillations
by Nietzsche Lam (pdf, 331 kB)
Neural Activity in Category-Selective Regions is Modulated by Both Subjective and Physical Disappearance
Functional and Volumetric Changes Within the Fronto-Striatal Reward Circuit in Children/Adolescents and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
by Maria_Lojowska (docx, 142 kB)
Covert Attention Brain Computer Interfacing. One step Closer to Reality
b yWouter Oosterheert (docx, 331 kB)
CACNA2D3 rs6777055 Variant Increases Acute Pain Sensitivity in Healthy Volunteers
by Lianne Scholtens (doc, 266 kB)
Fear no More: Beta-Adrenergic Blockade Affects the Neural Network of Extinction Learning and Prevents the Return of Fear in Humans
by Klodiana Daphne Tona (docx, 1,1 MB)
The Role of Emotion and Attention in Semantic Processing: Evidence from N400
by Johanne Tromp (619 kB)
Requirements of Abstract Tasks Explain Hierarchical Structure in Prefrontal Cortex
Posterior Alpha Oscillations as an Index for Attentional Bias in Children wit Attentional Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
by Madelon Vollebregt (pdf, 1,1 MB)
The Development of Pointing in infants from 8 to 12 Months in Relation to Parent's Pointing
by Janne Willems (pdf, 1,1 MB)
The articles for the web edition were not revised as part of the editorial process.