

There is a significant gap between a PhD contract duration and the actual duration to finished manuscript. Through surveys and discussion sessions with several parties we gathered input on this topic. PON wants to highlight several key factors that contribute to this gap. We have also shared this outcome with the CvB of the University and the RvB of the UMC, and other relevant parties.


This is the website of the PhD Organisation Nijmegen (PON), the representative body for all PhD candidates at the Radboud University and the Radboudumc. On this website you can find information about who we are, what we organise for you, and other matters relevant to PhD candidates. See www.ru.nl/phd for the official university homepage for PhD candidates, or this page for external PhD candidates.

WhatsApp Community

We invite you to join the new WhatsApp PhD community hosted by PON. Within this platform you can find different groups and join the groups that you find interesting. We aim to use this community to inform PhDs in Nijmegen about events organized by PON and to inform about PhD policy matters. Moreover, we hope this platform will be a nice way for PhDs to connect and help each other. You can join the community by sending an email to pon@ru.nl and receiving the invite link. This is to avoid spams in the groups.


We just welcomed new members to the PON board! As we are all busy PhDs, we are always looking for more people to join PON, and many hands make light work. Are you interested? Then have a look at the vacancies. If the description sparks your interest, don't hesitate to send us an email! We are happy to hear from you.

Flyer Join PON

Upcoming PON Events

Er zijn geen evenementen gevonden in de geselecteerde periode.


PhDs automatically receive the monthly PON newsletter. Are you not receiving the newsletter? Sign up by sending an e-mail to pon@ru.nl.

If there is any matter you'd like to bring under the attention of all PhD candidates in our monthly newsletter, please contact us at pon@ru.nl.

Events from our friends

Radboud Writing lab: Writing in a group is more motivating and productive than writing alone. Therefore, the Radboud writing lab hosts online Thesis Writing Weeks for PhD candidates. So give your thesis a boost and sign up via their website!

Please send us an email (pon@ru.nl) if you wish to promote your event here.

International PhDs

Are you a PhD candidate encountering difficulties and stress? Do you worry about your research project, your personal life, or your finances? Global PhD Support is a new initiative launched by Radboud University, to help and support you in these and other matters.  Check out the Global PhD Support website.