UMC Works Council (OR)
The UMC Works council (OR) is the advisory board of the Radboudumc (the hospital) consisting of 24 members. A total of 3 members are chosen in kiesgroep B1 and represent the PhD students and Postdocs. The other members represent professors and scientific staff from surgical, contemplative and supportive disciplines and nurses, physician assistants, paramedics and students. All members are elected by and from different categories / constituencies to create a balanced distribution across the Radboudumc.
The UMC council advises the Board of Directors of the Radboudumc on 3 main topics: research, education and training. Some of the agenda items are:
- Functionality of the Board of Education
- Renewing of education system
- How research is conducted
- Appointments of professors and educational and research directors
- PIs and PLs