PV Radboud

PV Radboud is the staff association for all current and former employees (and their partners) of Radboud University Nijmegen and Radboudumc. PV Radboud does not only organize social activities, workshops and courses, but also offers interesting discounts to its members. PV Radboud is an organisation run by volunteers and supported by both the University Medical Centre and the University.


PV Radboud has the objectives to bind people, to offer them opportunities for relaxation and personal development, and to strengthen the mutual contact between employees of the university and the hospital. All activities are organized with these objectives in mind.

PV Radboud website

All information about activities of PV Radboud can be found on the PV website both in Dutch and English. The website is publicly accessible to anyone who is interested.

PON & Radboud PV

Because the objective of the PV Radboud is complementary to the objectives of PON we often collaborate for the organisation of events. We at PON encourage all PhD students to take a look at the website of PV Radboud to see which activities offered you might enjoy.