- All exams have to be taken at Radboud University. Students are expected to stay until after the exams. If you have a resit exam after the official end of your stay please contact the IOSS.
- You will automatically be registered for the exam (1st attempt). However, if you need to take a resit exam (2nd attempt) you will have to submit a registration request.
- When doing a resit: the last grade is your final grade; not the highest one!
- Having an exam listed in your personal schedule does not mean you are registered for the resit exam.
- If you are not registered for an exam you will not be admitted to the exam.
- Always take your ID and Student card with you for your exams.
- Exam dates can be found in the course schedules.
- Check the schedules of the exams multiple times. There could be adjustments and you do not want to miss an exam because you are at the wrong place.
Resit exams at Radboud University
- If you need to take a resit exam (2nd attempt) you need to be registered by IOSS. Notify the IOSS at least 2 weeks before the resit exam is scheduled via the form below.
- The IOSS can register you until 8 working days before the exam, therefore check a week before the exam in OSIRIS if you a registered successfully.
- All regulations for 1st attempt exams apply also for resits.
Faculty of Social Sciences Registration form resit (for exchange students only)
Fields marked with * are mandatory.