Frequently asked questions

Before your stay abroad

While you are abroad

How can I register for a stay abroad?
Go to Osiris ► Abroad ► New Request
Select 2 or 3 universities you want to go to and upload a motivation letter explaining why we should select you for your first choice. For information about how the motivation letter should be, please have a look here.

I would like to get in contact with students who went to the same destination that I want to go to. How can I do that?
You can look up all the student experiences per country, city, university here. Some students even left their email address there, so you can get in contact with them directly.

I want to go to a university that is not a partner university, is this possible?
It is certainly possible but will require more effort from you. At some universities, you can register as a free mover, which means that you are welcome as an exchange student from a non-partner university. Contact the university of your choice to ask about the options and conditions for free movers.
As a free mover, you will also receive a grant: Erasmus+ for Erasmus-destinations or an Individual Travel Grant for other destinations.

What are the requirements for a stay abroad?
Please check the info mentioned by When in the step-by-step guide

Where can I request a list of my grades in English?
You can go to the STIP-desk in person or request them online via this link.

I need a declaration of my English proficiency. How do I obtain this document?
We can send you a Nomination Letter that also contains a specification of your English proficiency. Please contact us at

How do I get a Public Transport allowance (OV) for my stay abroad?
If you go on exchange with a grant program, you will receive a partly filled in and undersigned application form for a public transport allowance from the central international Office. You can then finalize this form and send it to DUO according to the instructions on the form. NOTE: Don't forget to cancel your student discount card before you leave.

Am I insured automatically when going on exchange?
No, good travel insurance and medical coverage are your own responsibility. Your own health insurance / general insurance (zorgverzekering) are not sufficient for studying abroad. NOTE: many travel insurances are only valid for a maximum stay of 2 months abroad.
Via this tool from AON, you can check if your current insurance is suitable for an exchange or internship abroad. If not you can directly book a more suitable one with AON, but of course, you can also look for other suitable alternatives with other companies.

Is there a deadline for the grant application?
Yes, your application has to be handed in at least 2 weeks before the start of the exchange. If this is not possible because of reasons beyond your control, please contact Erasmus or Holland Scholarship/Individual Travel Grant

I cannot find information about the course offer of my foreign university online. What should I do now?
Contact the university abroad and ask for the current exchange guide of the course offer for exchange students. You could also browse through the student experiences of students who studied abroad at that university, perhaps they have some tips for you as well.

My university abroad doesn’t respond, what should I do?
First, try to contact the coordinator of the university abroad. You will have received the contact details after your nomination, or you can find them on the pages for exchange students of the university in question. Please, contact the central International Office of the university when you are unable to reach the coordinator. Contact the coordinator of your program when this fails as well.

The courses I intended to do are not available now I am on exchange. Can I choose new ones?
Yes, this is certainly possible. Please fill out the During Mobility Form of your Learning Agreement when studying abroad via the Erasmus program. For Holland Scholarship and Individual Travel Grant, you can use the Change Form.

What should I do when I still have to take some exams in Nijmegen while the semester abroad has already started?
Please read the information on this STIP-page.