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Changing courses and exam registration

If you would like to change courses or if you want to know how everything works regarding exams, then please read the following pages carefully.

Changing courses

  • For European (Erasmus+) students:
    Please make the changes to your courses via the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) platform. Your home university will have to approved first before we can review the changes.

  • For Non-European students:
    Send us a Change Form.

    The procedure is as follows:

    • On the Change Form you fill in the courses you want to add or drop. You should then sign the document yourself, and have it signed by your home university.
    • E-mail the form to the International Mobility Office.
    • We ask the examining board for approval of the changes in your course selection.
    • As soon as we know if the courses are approved we will notify you and we will register you for the course(s) and exams.
    • Once the form is signed by all parties the complete file will be uploaded on OSIRIS.

Please note that you need to be registered for your courses at least 10 working days before the start of a block. After that you cannot be registered anymore. Therefore, please send us your change forms at least 10 days before the deadline of registration! This way, we will have sufficient time to get the changes approved by the Examining Board.


  • All exams have to be taken at Radboud University. Students are expected to stay until after the exams.
  • Exams abroad: if you have a resit exam after the official end of your stay and you cannot take it at Radboud University, you may qualify to take the exam abroad at your home university. You can find more information regarding the application procedures here. IMO is not involved in these procedures. Please note that by applying for a resit abroad you are not automatically registered for this specific resit exam. You have to fill out the Resit Registration Form as well (see below) in order to be registered for a resit exam, also when it is taken abroad.
  • You will automatically be registered for the exam (1st attempt). In case you failed an exam, you have to take a resit (please scroll below).
  • Having an exam listed in your personal schedule does not mean you are registered for the resit exam.
  • If you are not registered for an exam you will not be admitted to the exam.
  • Always take your ID and Student card with you to your exams. If you forget them, you are not allowed to take the exam.
  • Exam dates can be found in the course schedules. Check these schedules multiple times. There could be adjustments and you do not want to miss an exam because you are at the wrong place.
  • Exams at the same time: if you have two or more exams at the same time you must decide which of the two exams you will take at the first opportunity and which at the resit.
  • To know more about the NSM grading system click here.


  • If you need to take a resit exam (2nd attempt) you need be registered by IMO. Notify us at least 2 weeks before the resit exam is scheduled via the form below.
  • If you asked for a resit exam abroad and it was approved, you also need to fill out the form below in order to actually get registered for the resit.
  • We can register you until 5 working days before the exam. Therefore, check at least a week before the exam if you have been registered successfully in OSIRIS.
  • All regulations for 1st attempt exams also apply for the resits.